- Click Tools
- Click Accounts and press Add…
- Click on E-mail account then press Next
- Type in your Display Name
- Type in your E-mail Address
- Select IMAP from Incoming e-mail server type
- Click the Servers Tab
- Type in the following for Incoming Mail IMAP: mail.eoni.com
- Type in the following for Outgoing Mail SMTP: mail.eoni.com
- Click the checkbox My Outgoing Server (SMTP) Requires Authentication then press Next
- Enter your full E-mail Address as your E-mail username and enter your Password
- Click Next
- Click Finish
- Now Select the account from the list on the left and click on Properties
- Click on the Servers tab
- On the bottom check mark My Server requires authentication then press settings
- Verify Use same settings as my incoming mail server is selected then press ok
- Click the Advanced Tab
- Check mark This server requires a secure connection (SSL) for both incoming and outgoing
- Type 587 in the Outgoing Server Port field
- Type 993 for the incoming mail (IMAP)
- Click on Apply then ok
- Click Ok
- Click Close